COPEN WORKSHOP SERIES (6th December 2017)           
Registrations are closed at 11.59pm on 30 Nov 2017
No spot registrations are allowed

If you are very much eager and motivated to attend you may write a request only through email at
(Please note: Consideration will be subject to approval from the committee)

Venue Details:

Workhop 1 : MSB-241 Seminar hall, Mechanical Sciences Block, IIT Madras

Workshop 2&3: IC& SR Builiding, IIT Madras

Schedule :
Registration Kit Distribution : 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Workshop Sessions(incl. Lunch, Snacks) : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

For Registration guidelines please click here or

Download Registration Guide.pdf

Registration fees per Workshop
Students / Research Scholars INR 1000
Academia INR 1500
IndustryINR 2000
Reserve your Seat here by filling (the form) after paying the registration fee to complete the registration process

Note: Workshops will be conducted as parallel sessions and the registration fee is only for one of the workshops